Archive for Juli 2nd, 2013

VMware vSphere 5 ESXi Dump Collector – allows to send core dumps to a centralized network server

Dienstag, Juli 2nd, 2013

vmware_logo.jpg   Before configuring the ESX hosts you need to actually install the VMware vSphere 5 ESXi Dump Collector that will act as the repository for any system dumps from ESX

esxcli –s ESXHOSTNAME system coredump network set –interface-name vmk0 –server-ipv4 –server-port 6500

esxcli –s ESXHOSTNAME system coredump network set –enable true

esxcli –s ESXHOSTNAME system coredump network get


VMware vSphere vCenter Single Sign On (SSO) – password reset

Dienstag, Juli 2nd, 2013

vmware_logo.jpg   During the installation of the Windows vCenter Single Sing On (SSO) service you must provide a password for the SSO admin user named “admin@System-Domain”. If you forgot the master password and have no other admin account there is no supported way to reset the SSO Password – you need to reinstall your VMware vSphere vCenter environment
