Archive for Oktober 26th, 2023

audEERING – ist ein weltweit führender Innovator im Bereich Voice AI und mit dieser Technologie kann man Emotionen und Gesundheitsinformationen anhand der Stimme erkennen

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Adria Twin 600 SPT Family – kleinster Kastenwagen mit Etagenbett für 4 Personen

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

MinIO Client (mc) – Managing Event Notifications and Monitoring

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Proof Wood – einen Telefonanschluss richtig machen

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Google – Tool zum Faktencheck von Bildern und Quellen im Netz

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Anstrengender Alltag als Junior Onlinemarketing Managerin – was bekommt man dafür € 1.744,- netto

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Google Chrome OS Version 118.0.5993.118 – steht zum Download bereit

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Sana Kliniken Landkreis Biberach – alle Patienten werden auf Covid-19 getestet

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Microsoft Power BI – Update October 2023

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Python Serie – Remote SSH Zugriff

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

CSU Parteivorsitzender Dr. Markus Söder – Pressekonferenz nach der Parteivorstandssitzung vom 26.10.2023

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

Port Ping pping 3.0.0 – a port availability checker

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023

pping – a simple solution to checking opened ports on machines

C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping -h
A port availability checker.
Usage: pping [options] <Host> <Port(s)>
Host The IP address or DNS name of the host to scan.
Port(s) The port(s) to scan. Use ‚-‚ to specify a range of ports or list ports by separating them with ‚,‘.
–version Show version information
-a|–autostop If set, the app will stop working when it gets the first OPEN-result.
-d|–detailed If set, the app will output some more detailled states.
-t|–endless If set, the app will run infinitely. (see -a option).
-r|–repeats Defines the amount of requests which will be sent to the target (default is 4).
-elf|–elfail If set, the app will return error level 0 on any open ping and error level 1 if all pings resulted in
closed port.
-els|–elsucc If set, the app will return the amount of successful port requests as the result code.
-res|–resolve If set, the app will resolve the DNS name of the target.
-tim|–timout Defines the timeout in seconds the app will wait for each requests to return.
-4|–ipv4 If set, the app will use IPv4 for resolutions.
-6|–ipv6 If set, the app will use IPv6 for resolutions.
-u|–udp If set, a UDP ping will be performed.
-w|–wait Defines a time in milliseconds to
C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping 80 -d -res
Starting pinging host on TCP port(s) 80 4 times:
# 1 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 2 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 3 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 4 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
Finished pinging host (IP: 4 pings sent (4 OPEN, 0 CLOSED)
C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping 80-82 -d -res
Starting pinging host on TCP port(s) 80-82 4 times:
# 1 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 2 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 3 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 4 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 5 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 6 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 7 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 8 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 9 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 10 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 11 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 12 -> Pinging host (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
Finished pinging host (IP: 12 pings sent (4 OPEN, 8 CLOSED)

Donnerstag, Oktober 26th, 2023