Port Ping pping 3.0.0 – a port availability checker

pping – a simple solution to checking opened ports on machines

C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping -h
A port availability checker.
Usage: pping [options] <Host> <Port(s)>
Host The IP address or DNS name of the host to scan.
Port(s) The port(s) to scan. Use ‚-‚ to specify a range of ports or list ports by separating them with ‚,‘.
–version Show version information
-a|–autostop If set, the app will stop working when it gets the first OPEN-result.
-d|–detailed If set, the app will output some more detailled states.
-t|–endless If set, the app will run infinitely. (see -a option).
-r|–repeats Defines the amount of requests which will be sent to the target (default is 4).
-elf|–elfail If set, the app will return error level 0 on any open ping and error level 1 if all pings resulted in
closed port.
-els|–elsucc If set, the app will return the amount of successful port requests as the result code.
-res|–resolve If set, the app will resolve the DNS name of the target.
-tim|–timout Defines the timeout in seconds the app will wait for each requests to return.
-4|–ipv4 If set, the app will use IPv4 for resolutions.
-6|–ipv6 If set, the app will use IPv6 for resolutions.
-u|–udp If set, a UDP ping will be performed.
-w|–wait Defines a time in milliseconds to
C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping google.de 80 -d -res
Starting pinging host google.de on TCP port(s) 80 4 times:
# 1 -> Pinging host google.de (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 2 -> Pinging host google.de (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 3 -> Pinging host google.de (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 4 -> Pinging host google.de (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
Finished pinging host google.de (IP: 4 pings sent (4 OPEN, 0 CLOSED)
C:\PC_SAVE\USB-Stick\PC_TOOLS\Pping>pping google.com 80-82 -d -res
Starting pinging host google.com on TCP port(s) 80-82 4 times:
# 1 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 2 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 3 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 4 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 5 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 6 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 7 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 8 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 9 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 10 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 80 with timeout 1: OPEN
# 11 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 81 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
# 12 -> Pinging host google.com (IP: on TCP port 82 with timeout 1: CLOSED (TimedOut)
Finished pinging host google.com (IP: 12 pings sent (4 OPEN, 8 CLOSED)

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