Archive for Mai 27th, 2021

Proof Wood – so darfst du auf keinen Fall in ein Haus Strom einspeisen

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

Rheinland Klinikum Grevenbroich Elisabethkrankenhaus – in der Diskussion um die Zukunft des kommunalen Krankenhausverbundes im Rheinland-Klinikum meldet sich die SPD zu Wort

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

VMware Workstation 16 Pro – copy VM(s) to a VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0 Hypervisor(s) Home Lab

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

Landkreis Erding (Stand 27 Mai 2021) – so verteilen sich die Coronavirus Patienten

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

Docker Official Image ‚MinIO‘ – Object Locking

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

   MinIO – supports a complete object locking framework offering both Legal Hold and Retention with Governance and Compliance modes. Object Locking functionality is a requirement for many regulated industries from financial services to healthcare. Lifecycle management is an increasingly critical element in the data ecosystem. Data is the primary asset in most organizations at this point – more so than the physical assets we normally associate with large enterprises – trains, planes, automobiles or oil rigs. Protecting this data and managing how long to protect it are complex challenges. MinIO now offers the complete suite of lifecycle management capabilities. This includes versioning, object locking and the various derivative components. Every use case is different and our goal is to create software and documentation that allow our community to implement these features with confidence

Governance Mode

When setting a retention period for your objects or buckets Governance mode is used when the goal is to protect objects from being deleted by standard users having said that there are users that will retain the permissions required to modify the retention settings or delete the objects those users will need the s3:BypassGovernanceRetention permission as well as the DeleteObject permission

$ ./mc mb myminio/bucket-worm –with-lock
Bucket created successfully `myminio/bucket-worm`
$ ./mc mb myminio/bucket-governance –with-lock
Bucket created successfully `myminio/bucket-governance`
$ ./mc retention set –default governance 7d myminio/bucket-governance
GOVERNANCE mode is enabled for 7DAYS

Compliance Mode

Compliance mode is more restrictive it cannot be undone within the retention period as a result the Compliance mode should be used when you are certain that you do not want anyone including the root user to be able to delete the objects during its retention period

$ ./mc mb myminio/bucket-compliance –with-lock
Bucket created successfully `myminio/bucket-compliance`
$ ./mc retention set –default compliance 7d myminio/bucket-compliance
COMPLIANCE mode is enabled for 7DAYS

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

Docker Official Image ‚MinIO‘ – Versioning

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021

   MinIO  – Versioning allows a user to retain multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. Versioning provides a mechanism to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in a bucket. Versioning ensures that objects remain available across a range of failures from applications to human error. Versioning is enabled at the bucket level. When enabled MinIO automatically creates a unique version ID for the object there can be multiple versions of the same object

$ ./mc mb myminio/bucket-versioning
Bucket created successfully `myminio/bucket-versioning`
$ ./mc version enable myminio/bucket-versioning
myminio/bucket-versioning versioning is enabled

$ ./mc ls –versions myminio/bucket-versioning
[2021-05-27 08:20:29 UTC] 726KiB 898d0538-61d6-4c68-a59d-8509d4c8cb02 v3 PUT josef.jpg
[2021-05-27 08:20:06 UTC] 726KiB 2e088685-1262-4b27-8b81-5699df1024ef v2 PUT josef.jpg
[2021-05-27 08:19:54 UTC] 726KiB 36c2b0fa-6858-4f02-947f-1b875d340681 v1 PUT josef.jpg
$ ./mc cp –version-id 36c2b0fa-6858-4f02-947f-1b875d340681 myminio/bucket-versioning/josef.jpg /tmp
…-versioning/josef.jpg: 725.50 KiB / 725.50 KiB ┃▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓┃ 2.70 MiB/s 0s
$ ./mc du –versions myminio/bucket-versioning
2.1MiB bucket-versioning

$ ./mc rm –version-id 36c2b0fa-6858-4f02-947f-1b875d340681 myminio/bucket-versioning/josef.jpg
Removing `myminio/bucket-versioning/josef.jpg` (versionId=36c2b0fa-6858-4f02-947f-1b875d340681)
$ ./mc du –versions myminio/bucket-versioning
1.4MiB bucket-versioning
$ ./mc ls –versions myminio/bucket-versioning
[2021-05-27 08:20:29 UTC] 726KiB 898d0538-61d6-4c68-a59d-8509d4c8cb02 v2 PUT josef.jpg
[2021-05-27 08:20:06 UTC] 726KiB 2e088685-1262-4b27-8b81-5699df1024ef v1 PUT josef.jpg

Donnerstag, Mai 27th, 2021