Archive for Juni 26th, 2019

Cerner Healthcare – virtual visit pilot program offers new way to reach patients

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019

Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) 6.2 – provides management of local account passwords of domain joined computers

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019

Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)  – to automatically manage local administrator passwords on domain joined computers so that passwords are unique on each managed computer, randomly generated, and securely stored in Active Directory infrastructure. The solution is built on Active Directory infrastructure and does not require other supporting technologies. LAPS uses a Group Policy client-side extension (CSE) that you install on managed computers to perform all management tasks. The solution’s management tools provide easy configuration and administration

Bundesverkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) – äußert sich zu den Fragen der NICHT Maut

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019

PicDrop – ist der schnellste Weg Bilder an Kunden zu senden

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019

St.-Josefs-Krankenhaus Salzkotten – die geplanten Veränderungen und die Tatsache dass vier Ärzte die Klinik zum 1. Juli verlassen schlagen weiterhin hohe Wellen

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019

Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus – Overview

Mittwoch, Juni 26th, 2019