Archive for November 10th, 2013

SIEMENS – the toughest missions in the universe

Sonntag, November 10th, 2013

SunnyBAG Business – die innovative Solartasche

Sonntag, November 10th, 2013

SunnyBAG_logo   SunnyBAG Business – damit können Sie entspannt in Ihren nächsten Besprechungstermin ohne Angst um einen leeren Akku oder bequem auf Ihre nächste Geschäftsreise gehen ohne an unzählige Adapter für die jeweilige Stromversorgung im Zielland außerhalb von Bayern zu denken


Masscan – a port scanner that can achieve 25 million packets/second

Sonntag, November 10th, 2013

masscan_logo   Masscan is the fastest port scanner ever built for Linux it can scan the entire Internet from to in less than 2 hours

# masscan -p0-65535


Power Plants and other Vital Systems – are totally exposed on the Internet

Sonntag, November 10th, 2013

Wired_logo   The Port 5900 generally used by Virtual Network Computing Systems (VNC) that are used to control computers remotely. An automated scan took just a few minutes and used a combining of two existing Tools – ‚masscan‘ to do the port scanning and ‚VNCsnapshot‘ to take screenshots of each system the scan found


Peugeot 208 – Pinocchio

Sonntag, November 10th, 2013