Archive for Juni 11th, 2008

BMC Application AppSight – Problem Resolution for Enterprises

Mittwoch, Juni 11th, 2008

bmc_logo.jpg  BMC Application Problem Resolution (formerly known as BMC AppSight) accelerates the problem resolution process by automating the process of capturing and documenting the occurrence of a software error, defect, or production issue and eliminating the need to reproduce the problem and its environment before resolving it. It eliminates the iterative trial and error steps inherent in manual root cause analysis—a process that’s repeated throughout the development, testing, and maintenance phases of the application lifecycle


Surfen im Internet erhöht Arbeitsproduktivität

Mittwoch, Juni 11th, 2008

internet_surfen_01.jpg  in einer Studie wird festgestellt, dass kurze Unterbrechungen des Arbeitsprozesses, um im Internet zu surfen, die Produktivität erhöhen. So genannte „elektronische Pausen“ würden Stress reduzieren und die Konzentration verbessern