Archive for Mai, 2015

Volksrepublik China Macau Ponte da Amizade – online webcam

Sonntag, Mai 10th, 2015

Microsoft Office Excel 2013 – Tachometer erstellen genial einfach

Sonntag, Mai 10th, 2015

Postcrossing – send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person in the world

Samstag, Mai 9th, 2015

postcrossing_logo   The goal of this Project Postcrossing is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world for free – the main idea is that if you send a postcard you will receive one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world


Mitarbeiterführung von Individualisten und Spezialisten – ein verändertes Führungsverhalten ist nötig weil die Führungskräfte oft keinen fachlichen Wissens- und Erfahrungsvorsprung vor ihren Mitarbeitern mehr haben denn ihre Mitarbeiter sind hoch qualifizierte Spezialisten die bezüglich Fachaufgaben häufig ein größeres Know-how und Tiefenwissen als ihre disziplinarischen Vorgesetzten haben

Samstag, Mai 9th, 2015


2,16 Millionen US-Bürger wählen sich nach wie vor per 56-Kbit-Modem ins Internet ein

Samstag, Mai 9th, 2015

Microsoft Windows 10 – is the last version of Windows we’re all still working on Windows 10

Samstag, Mai 9th, 2015


Fibonacci Clock – uses the famous Fibonacci sequence to display time in a brand new way

Freitag, Mai 8th, 2015

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers created by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci in the 13th century. This is a sequence starting with 1 and 1, where each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. For the clock I used the first 5 terms: 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5. The screen of the clock is made up of five squares whose side lengths match the first five Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5. The hours are displayed using red and the minutes using green. When a square is used to display both the hours and minutes it turns blue. White squares are ignored. To tell time on the Fibonacci clock you need to do some math. To read the hour, simply add up the corresponding values of the red and blue squares. To read the minutes, do the same with the green and blue squares. The minutes are displayed in 5 minute increments (0 to 12) so you have to multiply your result by 5 to get the actual number



Microsoft Edge – introducing the new Windows 10 Browser

Donnerstag, Mai 7th, 2015

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2 – the next-generation server products

Donnerstag, Mai 7th, 2015

Windows_logo   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2 is now available for download


Albanien Tirana – online webcam

Donnerstag, Mai 7th, 2015


Mitarbeiter sind ihren Firmen technologisch weit voraus – viele Unternehmen ohne digitale Strategie

Donnerstag, Mai 7th, 2015


Citrix X1 Mouse – delivering a complete desktop experience using Citrix Receiver and an iPad

Mittwoch, Mai 6th, 2015

HP iCAS von iTernity – is an open, flexible and expandable long-term archiving solution for securing and protecting your business data

Mittwoch, Mai 6th, 2015

NirSoft LastActivityView v1.08 – is a tool for Windows operating system that collects information from various sources on a running system, and displays a log of actions made by the user and events occurred on this computer

Mittwoch, Mai 6th, 2015

nirsoft_logo.jpg   The activity displayed by LastActivityView includes – running .exe file, opening open/save dialog-box, opening file/folder from Explorer or other software, software installation, system shutdown/start, application or system crash, network connection/disconnection and more


Microsoft Office 2016 Technical Preview – want to help shape the next version

Dienstag, Mai 5th, 2015

Windows_logo   Get the Microsoft Office 2016 Preview for home
