Archive for the ‘SQL Server’ Category

Microsoft SQL Server – create stored procedure ‚DefragmentIndexes‘ in master database

Montag, September 30th, 2013

mswindows_logo.jpg   When a query is executed on a database, indexes are used to physically locate the data on disk. Due to frequent insert, update and delete statements this data can become fragmented. This is a serious performance issue. To mitigate this schedeule this script in a SQL Agent Job to frequently defragment you indexes. Create stored procedure DefragmentIndexes in master database. This stored procedure defragments the indexes in your database


PRTG SQL Server Monitoring – identify issues before they become problems

Samstag, September 28th, 2013

prtg_logo.jpg   PRTG SQL Server Monitoring a powerful tool to monitor SQL servers. SQL servers are widely used for data storage and lots of applications and their performance depend on their constant availability and performance


Microsoft SQL Server – improve SQL Server performance with a simple query

Montag, September 16th, 2013

mswindows_logo.jpg   Run this query on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later and it will list indexes that you could create to improve the query performance of your database based on the workload of the server since the SQL service last restarted

CONVERT(varchar(max), MID.index_handle) +
‚ ON ‚ +
[statement] +
‚ (‚ +
COALESCE(equality_columns + ‚, ‚ + inequality_columns, equality_columns, inequality_columns) +
‚)‘ +
ISNULL(‚ INCLUDE (‚ + included_columns + ‚)‘, “) AS create_statement,
CONVERT(int, avg_total_user_cost * user_seeks * avg_user_impact) AS potential_saving,
[statement] AS table_name,
FROM      sys.dm_db_missing_index_details MID
JOIN      sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups MIG ON MIG.index_handle = MID.index_handle
JOIN      sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats MIGS on MIGS.group_handle = MIG.index_group_handle
ORDER BY  avg_total_user_cost * user_seeks * avg_user_impact DESC