Archive for Juli, 2015

Base-Jumper Uli Emanuele – fliegt durch eine rund zwei Meter schmale Felsspalte im Berner Oberland

Donnerstag, Juli 2nd, 2015

Microsoft Surface 3 – 4G LTE is coming

Donnerstag, Juli 2nd, 2015


Apple iPhone 6 – featuring a larger, more advanced display, and significant leaps in capability and performance

Donnerstag, Juli 2nd, 2015

ProxyHam – the box that puts a mile between you and your IP adress

Donnerstag, Juli 2nd, 2015


Cerner Healthcare – ITWorks advancing value together

Mittwoch, Juli 1st, 2015

CCS Telehealth Ostsachsen – Deutschlands größtes Telemedizin-Projekt geht in Dresden online

Mittwoch, Juli 1st, 2015

CCS_logo   Die Europäische Union (EU) und der Freistaat Sachsen fördern das Projekt CCS Telehealth Ostsachsen zur medizinischen Versorgung infrastrukturell schwacher Regionen – um den Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft und dem Fachkräftemangel in Gesundheitsfachberufen zu begegnen. Über diese Infrastruktur sollen künftig tele­medi­zinische Dienstleistungen aus verschiedensten medizinischen Fachgebieten erbracht werden


CORISECIO Document Encryption Gateway – is designed to fulfill all requirements of big data centers

Mittwoch, Juli 1st, 2015

CORISECIO_logo   CORISECIO Document Encryption Gateway provides a solution for high security document encryption. Your company documents are transparently encrypted in the client free security Gateway. The access rights may be realized independent of the platform. In contrast to simple File-and-Folder solutions, the encryption is done documentcentric and according to open standards. It’s possible to set individual access rights for users and documents – the processes may be executed completely automated but experienced user may have the possibility to intervene manually


Rubrik – eliminates backup software by integrating data protection, instant recovery, and DevOps infrastructure into a single fabric

Mittwoch, Juli 1st, 2015

rubrik_logo   Rubrik – once the backups start the virtual machine is snapshotted and the bits are shipped over to the Rubrik appliance where they are inline deduplicated and stored on flash temporarily


Mrs. Datenschutz 4.0 – Informatikerin wird schleswig-holsteinische Datenschutzbeauftragte

Mittwoch, Juli 1st, 2015
