Archive for August, 2012

SIEMENS Soarian Workflow Engine – Congestive Heart Failure workflow at Main Line Health

Dienstag, August 14th, 2012

AST Modular – ultra energy efficient Natural Free Cooling Datacenter Technology

Dienstag, August 14th, 2012

astmodular_logo.jpg   AST Modular offers a range of fully integrated modular data centers which provide unmatched flexibility, resiliency, and energy efficiency

Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck – Cloud Computing

Montag, August 13th, 2012

Dead Drops – is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space

Montag, August 13th, 2012

deaddrops_logo.jpg   Dead Drops USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data



GPG4USB – a portable program for encrypting text (email) messages and files

Sonntag, August 12th, 2012

gpg4usb_logo.png    GPG4USB is a portable program to encrypt text and files using GnuPG, the open source public key encryption system compatible with PGP


LaCie RuggedKey – unverwüstlich in allen Lebenslagen

Sonntag, August 12th, 2012

lacie_logo.jpg   Der LaCie RuggedKey kann selbst einem Fall aus Höhen standhalten, die alles übertreffen, was Ihnen auf Ihrem Weg ins Büro oder im Urlaub unterkommt. Sein Gummimantel sorgt für sicheren Fallschutz aus bis zu 100 m Höhe. Dies bedeutet, dass Ihr Schlüssel und Ihre Daten gegen alle Unbilden des Alltags vollkommen geschützt sind


The Internet map – showing over 350,000 sites and two million links from 196 countries

Samstag, August 11th, 2012

theinternetmap_01.jpg   The Internet map is a bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every site is a circle on the map and its size is determined by website traffic the larger the amount of traffic the bigger the circle


VMware View 5.1 Composer for Array Integration (VCAI) – the feature allows you to do is to offload the creation of the linked clones which back your View desktops to the storage array

Samstag, August 11th, 2012

vmware_logo.jpg   The main advantage of VMware View Composer for Array Integration (VCAI) is an improvement in performance and a reduction in the time taken to provision desktops based on linked clone pools. This task can now be offloaded to the array, which can then provision these linked clones natively rather than have the ESXi host do it

SAP goes mobile – brings enterprise mobility to everyone and everything

Samstag, August 11th, 2012

Japanese Earthquake 2011 – Professor Zhigang Peng has converted the seismic waves from last year’s earthquakes into audio files

Donnerstag, August 9th, 2012

VMware vSphere 5i Hypervisor (Free) – how much vRAM does a VMware vSphere Hypervisor license provide

Mittwoch, August 8th, 2012

vmware_logo.jpg   VMware vSphere 5i Hypervisor (Free) license provides a vRAM entitlement of 32GB per server regardless of the number of physical processors and can be used on servers with maximum physical RAM capacity of 32GB


Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 – is outfitted with the functionality and precision of a pen and paper on a 10.1-inch-large-display

Mittwoch, August 8th, 2012

PRTG Network Monitor – in less than two minutes you can monitor your network 24/7 and timely alert you to issues before they become emergencies

Dienstag, August 7th, 2012

prtg_logo.jpg    PRTG Network Monitor runs on a Windows machine within your network collecting various statistics from the machines software and devices which you designate


APC NetBotz 500 – Überwachungssystem zum Schutz von IT-Komponenten

Montag, August 6th, 2012

netbotz_logo.jpg   Die APC NetBotz 500 ist die neueste Generation von Überwachungssystemen – der modulare Aufbau bietet eine enorme Flexibilität und Ausbaufähigkeit. die Kamera-Module (camera pods) und die Sensor-Module (sensor pods) können in einer Entfernung von über 100 Metern zur Basisstation betrieben werden und eignen sich hierdurch ausgezeichnet zur Überwachung größerer Serverräume 


Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Animation

Sonntag, August 5th, 2012