Archive for Oktober 21st, 2012

Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 – ceate a self signed certificate

Sonntag, Oktober 21st, 2012

dpm2012_logo.jpg   To encrypt the data store in tape with Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 you need to create a valid certificate 



Microsoft Windows PowerShell Send-MailMessage – to be able to send email messages via SMTP

Sonntag, Oktober 21st, 2012

windowspowershellblog_logo.jpg   Send-MailMessage sends out emails with the credentials of the current user

Send-MailMessage [-To] <string[]> [-Subject] <string> -From <string> [[-Body] <string>] [[-SmtpServer] <string>] [-Attachments <string[]>] [-Bcc <string[]>] [-BodyAsHtml] [-Cc <string[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DeliveryNotificationOption {<None> | <OnSuccess> | <OnFailure> | <Delay> | <Never>}] [-Encoding <Encoding>] [-Priority {<Normal> | <Low> | <High>}] [-UseSsl] [<CommonParameters>]


Gamera II – a human powered helicopter

Sonntag, Oktober 21st, 2012