VMware Infrastructure Consolidated Backup (VCB) – iSCSI, NAS, or local storage support

vmware_logo.jpg perform virtual machine backup at any time. VMware Consolidated Backup provides a centralized backup facility that leverages a centralized proxy server and reduces the load on production ESX Server hosts


Before installing VCB and connecting the proxy host to the SAN you should disable automount via <<  cmd, diskpart, automount disable, automount scrub, exit  >> then reboot the system. When you don’t disable automount Windows will signature all “incoming” disks. When this happens the VMware hosts will not recognize the VMFS volumes anymore — but fortunately you can re-label the luns as VMFS hopefully

Example to backup all running VMsfor /f “tokens=2 delims=:” %%i in (’vcbvmname -h  <<Virtual Center>>  -u administrator -p password -s Powerstate:on ^| find “name:”‘) do @rd /s /q “D:\Backups\All\%%i” &vcbmounter -h <<Virtual Center>>  -u administrator -p password -a name:”%%i” -r “D:\Backups\All\%%i” -t fullvm > “D:\Backups\All\%%i.log”

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