Microsoft Windows Server ‚ldp.exe‘ – is a command line tool that comes with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and it is used to query an LDAP directory over SSL/TLS

ldp.exe -H <ldap_server> -P <port> -Y

Let’s break it down:

* `-H` specifies the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server
* `-P` specifies the port number (default is 389, but you might need to specify a different port if your LDAP server is using a non-standard port)
* `-Y` tells `ldp.exe` to use SSL/TLS encryption

So if you want to test an LDAP connection over SSL/TLS to ‚‘ on port `636` you would run

ldp.exe -H -P 636 -Y

This command will prompt you for a username and password. Enter the credentials of a user with sufficient privileges to perform the query

If everything is set up correctly you should see some LDAP data returned in a human-readable format if not you might get an error message indicating what went wrong (e.g., invalid credentials, server not responding)

Remember to replace `` and `636` with your actual LDAP server’s hostname or IP address and the port number you’re using for SSL/TLS connections

Keep in mind that this is just a basic example you can modify the command to perform more complex queries, such as searching for specific users or groups

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