VMware OVF Tool 4.4.1 – deployed an OVF with NVRAM is not supported

E:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup>C:\“Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe“ –datastore=“HDD500GB“ –diskMode=thin –name=VA-DB-I-029 F:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup\medico27SystemWorkshopTemplate\VA-DB-I-029\VA-DB-I-029.ovf vi://root:<password>@
Opening OVF source: F:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup\medico27SystemWorkshopTemplate\VA-DB-I-029\VA-DB-I-029.ovf
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Failed
Error: Failed to read from file: VA-DB-I-029-file1.nvram
– for ‚VA-DB-I-029-file1.nvram‘ (specified: 0, actual 8684).
Completed with errors


Once exported, edit the OVF file and remove all the NVRAM entries

<File ovf:id=“file3″ ovf:href=“<VM Name>.nvram“ ovf:size=“8684″/>
<vmw:ExtraConfig ovf:required=“false“ vmw:key=“nvram“ vmw:value=“ovf:/file/file3″/>

If using the OVFtool make sure to use the –skipManifestCheck this allows the OVF to be created after removing the references to NVRAM without this command the OVF Tool would not be able to confirm the manifest file and will return an error

E:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup>C:\“Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe“ –datastore=“SSD500GB“ –diskMode=thin –name=VA-DB-O-028 –skipManifestCheck F:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup\medico27SystemWorkshopTemplate\VA-DB-O-028\VA-DB-O-028.ovf vi://root:<password>@
Opening OVF source: F:\PC_SAVE\VMwareESXi-Backup\medico27SystemWorkshopTemplate\VA-DB-O-028\VA-DB-O-028.ovf
The manifest does not validate
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
– The manifest is present but user flag causing to skip it
Completed successfully

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