Raspberry Pi Zero W – a Raspbian Stretch headless setup procedure

raspberrypi_logo.jpg   All we need to do is get our Raspberry Pi Zero W setup with the right wifi credentials and we’ll be able to remotely access it through a terminal program as if we were using the terminal Raspberry Pi Zero W own desktop – without ever having to plug in a monitor, keyboard or mouse to configure it

Step 1: Create an empty file ’ssh‘ – you can use the notepad from Windows and save that empty file and dump it into boot partition (microSD)
Step 2: Create another file name ‚wpa_supplicant.conf‘ – you need to use the full version of a wpa_supplicant.conf file this means that you must have the 3 lines of data namely country, ctrl_interface and update_config and save the file and dump it into boot partition (microSD)
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Won’t boot without HDMI connected – try ‚rpi-update‘ because that should fix a problem just like this

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade -y
# apt-get install rpi-update
# rpi-update
# apt-get autoclean
# vi /boot/config.txt

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