Zabbix 2.2.1 – Alert „Zabbix server is not running“

Zabbix_logo   In some occasions after installing Zabbix Server the following message gets displayed at the home screen


This issue is related to the Linux Security Module (SELinux) which is a mandatory access control (MAC) security mechanism implemented in the kernel

The best and recommended option to fixing this is to add a policy to allow the connection

– Run the command “getsebool -a“. Locate the following line which should give you a value ‘–> off“

httpd_can_network_connect –> off

– Run the command to turn it on

setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on

– Now run the command “getsebool httpd_can_network_connect“. The result should now indicate that the policy is now set to ON

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

Now the Zabbix alert message should disappear and also the “Zabbix server is running” value should now show ‘Yes‘


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