DietPi 8.6 – einfache Installation von ownCloud 10.10.0 auf einem Raspberry Pi Zero W

root@dpi-iot-jsho-tools-01:~# dietpi-software
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Initialised database
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Reading database
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | DietPi-Userdata validation: /mnt/dietpi_userdata
Step: Checking for conflicts and missing inputs
Step: Checking for prerequisite software
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | MariaDB will be reinstalled
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | PHP will be reinstalled
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Redis will be reinstalled
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Checking network connectivity
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Checking DNS resolver
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mkdir -p /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Music /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Pictures /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Video /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads /var/www /opt /usr/local/bin
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | chown dietpi:dietpi /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Music /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Pictures /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Video /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | chmod 0775 /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Music /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Pictures /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Video /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads
[ SUB1 ] DietPi-Services > unmask
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | unmask : redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | unmask : mariadb
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | unmask : php7.4-fpm
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | unmask : nginx
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | unmask : cron
[ SUB1 ] DietPi-Services > stop
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | stop : cron
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | stop : nginx
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | stop : php7.4-fpm
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | stop : mariadb
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | stop : redis-server
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT update, please wait…
Get:1 bullseye InRelease [15.0 kB]
Get:2 bullseye InRelease [23.7 kB]
Get:3 bullseye/main armhf Packages [13.2 MB]
Get:4 bullseye/main armhf Packages [295 kB]
Fetched 13.6 MB in 26s (514 kB/s)
Reading package lists…
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT update
Step: Installing MariaDB: Persistent cached file-per-table database server
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Preparing database directory at: /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mysql
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mysql exists, will migrate containing databases
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | rm -Rf /var/lib/mysql
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | ln -s /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mysql /var/lib/mysql
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: mariadb-server, please wait…
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
mariadb-server is already the newest version (1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: mariadb-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl stop mariadb
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Removing obsolete SysV mysql service
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | update-rc.d mysql remove
Step: Installing Redis: Volatile in-memory non-SQL database server
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: redis-server, please wait…
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
redis-server is already the newest version (5:6.0.16-1+deb11u2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl stop redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | phpenmod redis
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf was already set: loglevel warning
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf was already set: logfile „“
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf was already set: syslog-enabled yes
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf was already set: always-show-logo no
Step: Installing PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor for dynamic web content
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: php7.4-fpm php7.4-apcu php7.4-curl php7.4-gd php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-zip php7.4-mysql php7.4-redis, please wait…
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
php-apcu is already the newest version (5.1.19+4.0.11-3).
php-redis is already the newest version (5.3.2+4.3.0-2+deb11u1).
php7.4-curl is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-fpm is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-gd is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-mbstring is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-mysql is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-xml is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
php7.4-zip is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: php7.4-fpm php7.4-apcu php7.4-curl php7.4-gd php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-zip php7.4-mysql php7.4-redis
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT purge for: libapache2-mod-php*, please wait…
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | None of the requested packages are currently installed. Aborting…
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT purge for: libapache2-mod-php*
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | rm -Rf /etc/php/*/apache2 /var/lib/php/modules/*/apache2
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/www.conf was already set: pm.max_children = 3
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/www.conf was already set: pm.start_servers = 1
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/www.conf was already set: pm.min_spare_servers = 1
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/www.conf was already set: pm.max_spare_servers = 1
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/www.conf was already set: env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mkdir -p /run/php_sessions
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | chmod 1733 /run/php_sessions
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting session.save_path=“/run/php_sessions“ to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting upload_tmp_dir=“/tmp“ to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting upload_max_filesize=512M to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting post_max_size=512M to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting opcache.memory_consumption=16 to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting opcache.revalidate_freq=60 to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting apc.shm_size=8M to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting apc.ttl=259200 to end of file /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/dietpi.ini
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | phpenmod mysqlnd mbstring ctype dom xsl curl tokenizer sysvmsg zip exif gd xmlwriter sysvshm posix json igbinary ffi mysqli dietpi xml redis sysvsem ftp shmop fileinfo apcu xmlreader simplexml phar pdo intl calendar readline opcache gettext dietpi-nextcloud iconv pdo_mysql sockets
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | G_THREAD_START_0 | curl -sSfL -o /var/www/opcache.php
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | G_THREAD_START_1 | curl -sSfL -o /var/www/apc.php
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | G_THREAD: All threads finished
Step: Installing ownCloud: File sync, sharing and collaboration platform
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | cd /tmp/DietPi-Software
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Checking URL:
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | G_THREAD_START_0 | curl -sSfL -o owncloud-latest.tar.bz2
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: php7.4-intl, please wait…
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
php7.4-intl is already the newest version (7.4.30-1+deb11u1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | APT install for: php7.4-intl
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | G_THREAD: All threads finished
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | tar xf owncloud-latest.tar.bz2 –one-top-level=/var/www
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | rm owncloud-latest.tar.bz2
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Enabling required PHP modules
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | phpenmod ctype curl dom gd iconv intl mbstring pdo_mysql posix simplexml xmlreader xmlwriter zip fileinfo opcache apcu redis exif json
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Enabling APCu memory cache for PHP command line usage (CLI) as well, including ownCloud occ command and cron jobs.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | phpenmod dietpi-owncloud
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Nginx webserver found, enabling ownCloud specific configuration.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | cd /tmp/DietPi-Software
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | curl -sSfL -o nginx.owncloud.conf
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mv nginx.owncloud.conf /etc/nginx/sites-dietpi/dietpi-owncloud.conf
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl restart mariadb
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl restart redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mkdir -p /mnt/dietpi_userdata/owncloud_data
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/owncloud /mnt/dietpi_userdata/owncloud_data
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mysql -e grant all privileges on *.* to tmp_root@localhost identified by ‚ak4bS3kXEZSkds3B57rvFa58d1hjaO‘ with grant option;
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | ownCloud occ install
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | mysql -e drop user tmp_root@localhost;
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | rm -R /var/www/owncloud/data
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php was already set: ‚mysql.utf8mb4‘ => true,
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | sed -i s|’http://localhost’|’http://localhost/owncloud’| /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting ‚memcache.local‘ => ‚\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu‘, to /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php after line ‚version‘ => ‚‘,
[ INFO ] DietPi-Software | Enabling Redis for transactional file locking.
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Current setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf will be preserved: unixsocket /run/redis/redis-server.sock
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Desired setting in /etc/redis/redis.conf was already set: unixsocketperm 770
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | usermod -aG redis www-data
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl restart redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting ‚filelocking.enabled‘ => true, to /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php after line ‚memcache.local‘ => ‚\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu‘,
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | Added setting ‚memcache.locking‘ => ‚\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis‘,\n’redis‘ => array (‚host‘ => ‚/run/redis/redis-server.sock‘, ‚port‘ => 0,), to /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php after line ‚filelocking.enabled‘ => true,
Set mode for background jobs to ‚cron‘
Step: Finalising install
[ OK ] DietPi-Software | systemctl daemon-reload
2022-07-30 10:03:22 [ INFO ] DietPi-RAMlog | Storing /var/log to /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-ramlog_store…
2022-07-30 10:03:23 [ OK ] DietPi-RAMlog | Stored /var/log to /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-ramlog_store.
[ SUB1 ] DietPi-Services > dietpi_controlled
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | dietpi_controlled : redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | dietpi_controlled : mariadb
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | dietpi_controlled : php7.4-fpm
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | dietpi_controlled : nginx
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | dietpi_controlled : cron
Step: Install completed
[ OK ] DietPi-Survey | Purging survey data
[ SUB1 ] DietPi-Services > restart
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | restart : redis-server
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | restart : mariadb
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | restart : php7.4-fpm
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | restart : nginx
[ OK ] DietPi-Services | restart : cron

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