OSSperf – is a lightweight command-line tool for analyzing the performance and data integrity of storage services that implement the S3 API

ossperf.sh -n files -s size [-b <bucket>] [-u] [-a] [-m <alias>] [-z] [-g] [-w] [-l <location>] [-d <url>] [-k] [-p] [-o]

This script analyzes the performance and data integrity of S3-compatible storage services


-h : show this message on screen
-n : number of files to be created
-s : size of the files to be created in bytes (max 16777216 = 16 MB)
-b : ossperf will create per default a new bucket ossperf-testbucket (or OSSPERF-TESTBUCKET, in case the argument -u is set). This is not a problem when private cloud deployments are investigated, but for public cloud scenarios it may become a problem, because object-based storage services implement a global bucket namespace. This means that all bucket names must be unique. With the argument -b <bucket> the users of ossperf have the freedom to specify the bucket name
-u : use upper-case letters for the bucket name (this is required for Nimbus Cumulus and S3ninja)
-a : use the Swift API and not the S3 API (this requires the python client for the Swift API and the environment variables ST_AUTH, ST_USER and ST_KEY)
-m : use the S3 API with the Minio Client (mc) instead of s3cmd. It is required to provide the alias of the mc configuration that shall be used
-z : use the Azure CLI instead of the S3 API (this requires the python client for the Azure CLI and the environment variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY)
-g : use the Google Cloud Storage CLI instead of the s3cmd (this requires the python client for the Google API)
-w : use the AWS CLI instead of the s3cmd (this requires the installation and configuration of the aws cli client)
-l : use a specific site (location) for the bucket. This is supported e.g. by the AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage
-d : If the aws cli shall be used with an S3-compatible non-Amazon service, please specify with this parameter the endpoint-url
-k : keep the local files and the directory afterwards (do not clean up)
-p : upload and download the files in parallel
-o : appended the results to a local file results.csv

./ossperf.sh -n 5 -s 1048576 -b ossperf-testbucket -p -m minio

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