Eine Kolumne von Farhad Manjoo in der „New York Times“ war Teil der Abiturklausur im Fach Englisch in NRW – jetzt wird der Autor mit Nachrichten bombardiert

California’s lawmakers once again failed to allow more housing in the state.

They’re afraid to accept the single-family home is outdated. When my family emigrated from our native South Africa to Southern California in the 1980s, my parents, my sister and I fell hard for this state’s endless suburban sprawl. To the four of us, the acres of subdivisions that had been mushrooming up across California since World War II were the embodiment of everything we’d been promised about America. A bigger-than-enough house, a two-car garage and a backyard of brilliant green lawn — this was the California Dream we’d seen on TV.

At some point, recently, I realized that I no longer fantasized about ever having a backyard — my dream home is now a townhouse, and if it’s good enough for me, perhaps it could be good enough for others in my state, too.

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