Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) 8.2.4 – how to use your first local ‚Meta Llama 3‘ Large Language Model (LLM) project without the need for a GPU and now with Open WebUI

root@pve-ai-llm-01:~# ollama run llama3
>>> How to recover an oracle rman backup without comperssion level?
A classic problem!
When you try to recover an Oracle RMAN backup taken with a compression level of 0 (i.e., no compression), you’ll get an error message similar to this:
RMAN-03002: failure of recovery command with status NO_DATA_AVAILABLE
ORA-01113: file not found by girlfriend
RMAN-1002: recovery failed for pluggable database ‚DB_NAME‘
The reason is that the backup was taken without compression, and Oracle doesn’t store the uncompressed data in the backup. So, when you try to recover from this backup, RMAN can’t find the necessary data.
To recover an Oracle RMAN backup taken with a compression level of 0, you have a few options:
**Option 1: Use `RMAN CONVERT`**
You can use the `CONVERT` command in RMAN to convert the uncompressed backup to a compressed format. This will allow you to recover from the backup. Here’s an example:
This command will convert the uncompressed data in the original backup to a compressed format using the DEFLATE algorithm.
**Option 2: Use `RMAN RESTORE` with `UNCOMPRESS`**
You can also use the `RESTORE` command with the `UNCOMPRESS` option. This will restore the database from the uncompressed backup, but it won’t compress the data during the restore process.
Keep in mind that restoring an uncompressed backup can take longer and require more storage space than restoring a compressed backup.
**Option 3: Take a new backup with compression**
If you don’t need to recover from the original uncompressed backup, you can simply take a new RMAN backup of your database with compression enabled. This will ensure that future backups are stored in a compressed format.
Remember to test your recovery process regularly using a combination of these options to ensure that you can recover from both compressed and uncompressed backups.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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