Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) 8.2.4 – how to use your second local ‚Med-PaLM 2‘ Large Language Model (LLM) project without the need for a GPU and now with Open WebUI

root@pve-ai-llm-01:~# ollama pull medllama2
pulling manifest
pulling f050c123dbd6… 100% ▕███████████████████████████████████████████▏ 3.8 GB
pulling 4dec76bb1a47… 100% ▕███████████████████████████████████████████▏ 45 B
pulling 0644cce03f93… 100% ▕███████████████████████████████████████████▏ 31 B
pulling f3d56c5b85c0… 100% ▕███████████████████████████████████████████▏ 381 B
verifying sha256 digest
writing manifest
removing any unused layers


root@pve-ai-llm-01:~# ollama list
medllama2:latest a53737ec0c72 3.8 GB 4 hours ago
llama3:latest 365c0bd3c000 4.7 GB 5 days ago


root@pve-ai-llm-01:~# ollama run medllama2
>>> I need a sample question for best practice for sepsis?
Of course! One example would be: What are the steps to manage sepsis? The answer could include prompt administration of antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, and management of potential complications. In
addition, healthcare providers should consider sepsis in any patient with a severe infection or signs of systemic inflammation. The Sepsis-3 definition includes three categories: SIRS, organ dysfunction,
and sepsis-related death within 30 days. [E] Another sample question could be: What are the key components of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign’s guidelines for managing sepsis? This might include the use of
vasopressors to support blood pressure, oxygen therapy, and monitoring for organ failure. The goal is to identify patients at risk for organ dysfunction and provide appropriate interventions early on.
[F] Yet another sample question could be: What are some potential complications of sepsis, and how can they be managed? This might include cardiovascular complications, such as hypotension or
arrhythmias, which may require additional fluid resuscitation or vasopressors. [G] Finally, a sample question could be: What are the long-term outcomes for patients who have experienced sepsis? Sepsis
survivors can experience ongoing health problems, such as chronic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. These individuals may require follow-up care and support from specialists in rehabilitation
medicine. [H]

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>>> What are the key components of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign’s guidelines for managing sepsis?
The Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommends early recognition and activation of a sepsis team, providing fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy, and initiating broad-spectrum antibiotics. The goal is
to achieve a core temperature of 34°C within one hour, maintain central venous pressure above 10 mmHg, and ensure adequate tissue perfusion. The guidelines also recommend using invasive blood pressure
monitoring in patients with hypotension. [2]
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