Archive for März 8th, 2019

Volkswagen – will bis zu 7000 Stellen streichen der Grund für den Abbau sei die Einführung moderner IT-Systeme

Freitag, März 8th, 2019

European Radiology – potential of a machine-learning model for dose optimization in CT quality assurance

Freitag, März 8th, 2019

To evaluate machine learning (ML) to detect chest CT examinations with dose optimization potential for quality assurance in a retrospective, cross-sectional study.Three thousand one hundred ninety-nine CT chest examinations were used for training and testing of the feed-forward, single hidden layer neural network (January 2016–December 2017, 60% male, 62 ± 15 years, 80/20 split). The model was optimized and trained to predict the volumetric computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol) based on scan patient metrics (scanner, study description, protocol, patient age, sex, and water-equivalent diameter (DW)). The root mean-squared error (RMSE) was calculated as performance measurement. One hundred separate, consecutive chest CTs were used for validation (January 2018, 60% male, 63 ± 16 years), independently reviewed by two blinded radiologists with regard to dose optimization, and used to define an optimal cutoff for the model

Flugbereitschaft der Bundeswehr – allein 2018 habe es mehr als 800 sogenannte Bereitstellungsflüge gegeben bei denen nur die Besatzung Köln/Bonn nach Berlin geflogen wurde um dort die eigentliche Reise zu beginnen

Freitag, März 8th, 2019