Archive for Juni 27th, 2018

Oracle Database 12c – the dbms_resource_manager package has a nice procedure called ‚calibrate_io‘ which is perfect for calibrating disk latency and system throughout

Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2018

Oracle12c_logo   The DBA can assess the I/O capability of the database’s storage system by using the PL/SQL function DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO() – this routine issues a very I/O intensive read-only workload to thedatabase’s files to assess the maximum IOPS (I/O requests per second) and MBPS (megabytes of I/O per second) that canbesustained. This data can be reexamined at any time using the DBA table, DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE, that stores I/Ocalibration results. The calibration should be performed when the database is idle and during off-peak hours to minimizethe heavy I/O workload from interfering with the regular workload and vice versa. I/O calibration can be used tounderstand the performance of the storage subsystem and figure out whether I/O performance problems stem from thedatabase or the storage subsystem. Unlike various external I/O calibration tools, this tool uses the Oracle code stack and issues I/O randomly rather than sequentially the results therefore much more closely match the actual database Performance

rem ***********************************************************
File: calibrate_io.sql
Description: PL/SQL reoutine to calibrate IO
From ‚Oracle Performance Survival Guide‘ by Guy Harrison
Chapter 21 Page 624
ISBN: 978-0137011957
See for further information
This work is in the public domain NSA
rem *********************************************************
set serveroutput on
set echo on
   v_max_iops         NUMBER;
   v_max_mbps         NUMBER;
   v_actual_latency   NUMBER;
        num_physical_disks => 8,
        max_latency => 10,
        max_iops => v_max_iops,
        max_mbps => v_max_mbps,
        actual_latency => v_actual_latency);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‚Max IOPS=‘ || v_max_iops);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‚Max MBps=‘ || v_max_mbps);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‚Latency =‘ || v_actual_latency);

Cerner Healthcare

Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2018

Kanzleramtschef Helge Braun (CDU) – setzt auf ein „neues Wirtschaftswunder“ durch die Digitalisierung

Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2018

Garmin Smartphone Link – Live Verkehrsinformationen und Echtzeitdienste

Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2018

Microsoft – a new team assembled to unlock the innovation potential in healthcare data

Mittwoch, Juni 27th, 2018

   It’s an exciting time to be working shoulder-to-shoulder with our healthcare partners and customers, who represent some of the brightest minds in this important industry. We have been approaching the complexities of the healthcare industry with a growth mindset, and for the past two years our team has worked across Microsoft to accelerate healthcare innovation through artificial intelligence and cloud computing, with our initiative Healthcare NExT (New Experiences and Technologies)