Archive for September 9th, 2017

Manager – die wenig schlafen sind risikobereiter

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Elon Musk schläft angeblich nur sechs Stunden pro Nacht Angela Merkel und Donald Trump kommen sogar mit vier Stunden aus. Dabei sollten gerade Manager und Führungspersonen in Politik und Wirtschaft darauf achten ausreichend Schlaf zu bekommen wie eine aktuelle Studie von Wissenschaftlern der Universität Zürich ergeben hat. Denn wer zu wenig schläft agiert mit mehr Risikobereitschaft und – viel schlimmer noch – ist sich dessen nicht bewusst

Tesla Model S – official walkthrough

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

USA Lake Michigan – online webcam

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Google Maps – zeigt Echtzeitinfos für Florida

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Raspberry Pi – installing configuring running Mosquitto Server (MQTT)

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Installation of MQTT V3.1

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade -y
# apt-get autoremove
# apt-get install mosquitto
# wget
# apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
# rm mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
# wget
# apt-get update
# apt-get install mosquitto
# apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# service mosquitto Status
netstat -tln | grep 1883

# mosquitto_sub –d –t Topic
# mosquitto_pub –d –t Topic –m “Hello world!”
# mosquitto_sub -h -t Topic
# mosquitto_pub -h -t Topic -m „Hello world!“

Now that the MQTT broker is installed so we can add some basic security features

# cd /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
# vi mosquitto.conf
    allow_anonymous false
    password_file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/passwd
    require_certificate false
# mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/passwd <first user>
# mosquitto_passwd -b /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/passwd <second user> <password>

Microsoft Paint Paint 3D – available on the Windows 10 Creators Update

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Cerner Healthcare – ‚Day In The Life‘

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

Secure IoT healthcare solution – to securely transmit data from a heart-monitoring device to an on-premises healthcare system

Samstag, September 9th, 2017

MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) – it is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. The design principles are to minimise network bandwidth and device resource requirements whilst also attempting to ensure reliability and some degree of assurance of delivery. These principles also turn out to make the protocol ideal of the emerging “machine-to-machine” (M2M) or “Internet of Things (IoT)” world of connected devices, and for mobile applications where bandwidth and battery power are at a premium

BMW X7 Concept – iPerformance aus jeder Perspektive

Samstag, September 9th, 2017