Archive for September 28th, 2015

Facebook – ist weltweit nicht erreichbar gewesen am Abend wegen IT Problemen

Montag, September 28th, 2015

Medizinischen Universitätszentrums Leiden – täglich eine geringe Dosis Aspirin verlängert angeblich das Überleben von Krebspatienten

Montag, September 28th, 2015


Seven10 Storfirst Gateway – provides a seamless transition to modern, cloud-as-a-tier storage infrastructures

Montag, September 28th, 2015

Seven10_logo   Seven Storfirst Gateway is built to manage corporations massive amounts of unstructured data and scale-up file system supports billions of files and directories within a single unified global presentation layer – the technology is designed to scale as your business grows, regardless of the changes that occur at the application or storage layer
