Archive for September 26th, 2012

Flyboard – a new jet pack device that lets adventurers dive in and out of the water like „human dolphins“

Mittwoch, September 26th, 2012

VMware OVF Tool 3.0.1 – is a virtual machine distribution format that supports sharing virtual machines between products and organizations

Mittwoch, September 26th, 2012

vmware_logo.jpg   VMware OVF Tool is a command-line utility that allows you to import and export OVF packages to and from a wide variety of VMware platform products

To convert a virtual machine in VMware runtime format (.vmx) to an OVF package

> ovftool /vms/my_vm.vmx /ovfs/my_vapp.ovf

The result is located in /ovfs/my_vapp.[ovf|vmdk]


Duck Tape – wie Panzertape die Welt zusammen hält

Mittwoch, September 26th, 2012