Archive for August, 2010

NETEX HyperIP – Software Only WAN Optimization

Dienstag, August 24th, 2010

netex_logo.jpg   NETEX HyperIP is software-only WAN optimizer (virtual appliance) that runs within your existing ESX/vSphere infrastructure improving the performance of storage replication and backup applications as well as long distance VMotion and other bulk data movement technologies


Hildebrand & Wolfmüller – ein Motorrad von 1896

Dienstag, August 24th, 2010

eiPOTT – Eierbecher

Sonntag, August 22nd, 2010

Überraschung garantiert. Der originelle Eierbecher ist ein farbenfroher Eyecatcher für jeden Frühstückstisch. Ob 4-Minuten-Ei oder lieber hart gekocht – eiPOTT sorgt für den perfekten Genuss in vielen frischen Farbtönen


Apple iPhone, iPod Touch oder iPad – Erster Quadrocopter mit Flugsteuerung

Samstag, August 21st, 2010


Google … ist das eine Unterschrift

Samstag, August 21st, 2010


Desktop Virtualization for Dummies

Freitag, August 20th, 2010


Xtravirt vSphere RDP Plug-in – provides integration of the Windows Remote Desktop tool with the VMware vSphere Client

Freitag, August 20th, 2010

 xtravirt_logo.jpg  xtravirt vSphere Client RDP Plug-in – Free integration of the Windows Remote Desktop tool with the VMware vSphere Client


VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface „“ – Backing up and Restoring the ESX Server HW Configuration

Mittwoch, August 18th, 2010

vmware_logo.jpg   The VMware vSphere command-Line Interface „“ allow you to backup and restore the configuration of your ESXi host

To backup the host you would run the command –server <server_name> -s <backup_file_name>

To restore your backup configuration to your host you would run. This will cause the host to reboot once the process is complete. The host must be in Maintenance Mode for this to work. The backup configuration must also match the patch level of the ESXi install. You can add -f to force if needed –server <server_name> -l <backup_file_name>

3PAR Utility Storage – löst das Problem teurer, komplexer und störungsanfälliger IT-Umgebungen

Montag, August 16th, 2010

3par_logo.jpg   3PAR Utility Storage bietet das leistungsstärkste Virtualisierungs-Speichersystem seiner Zeit. Umfangreich virtualisiert, eng geclustert und dynamisch zuweisbar bieten InServ Storage Server Thin Built In Technologien, die Ihre Total-Cost-of-Data um 50% senken können. Gleichzeitig gibt es dem Benutzer die Agilität, sofort und problemlos auf geänderte betriebliche Anforderungen zu reagieren3par_01.jpg Linux SCSI target framework (tgt) – for a fully functional Linux iSCSI SAN

Sonntag, August 15th, 2010

sourceforge_logo.jpg tgtproject_logo.jpg   Linux target framework (tgt) aims to simplify various SCSI target driver (iSCSI, Fibre Channel, SRP, etc) creation and maintenance. The key goals are the clean integration into the scsi-mid layer and implementing a great portion of tgt in user space


Oracle Virtual Desktop Infratstructure 3.2 – access to virtualized desktop environments hosted in the datacenter

Samstag, August 14th, 2010

oracle_logo.jpg   Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure provides a complete solution for managing, hosting, and providing access to virtualized desktop operating systems hosted in the datacenter. With Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, you can reduce the overhead associated with managing individual desktop operating systems and standardize on virtual desktop images that can be used across your organization from nearly any client device


VMware Knowledge Base – User Profiles Not Being Completed Removed

Freitag, August 13th, 2010

vmware_logo.jpg   If you use Terminal Services (TS) to connect to a virtual machine running a terminal server and you have the roaming profiles feature enabled TS caches your profile in the virtual machine for the duration of your TS session. When you log off at the end of the session TS tries to rewrite your profile to the roaming profile server. If you also have the VMware shared folders feature enabled in the virtual machine TS tries to copy the file hgfs.dat back to the roaming profile server. This operation fails because VMware Tools keeps the file open with exclusive access – the file cannot be accessed by the Windows guest

Windows cannot copy file C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat to \\servername\sharename\userid\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat

Windows cannot update your roaming profile. Reason: The process cannot access the file because the file is being used by another process


RWE – Die Wahrheit zum Spot

Montag, August 9th, 2010

FreeNAS 0.7.2 – das „SecureNAS-System“ mit CIFS/NFS und ISCSI Target Support

Sonntag, August 8th, 2010

FreeNAS_logo   FreeNAS ist ein freier NAS Server mit folgenden Eigenschaften – CIFS(Samba), FTP, NFS, AFP, RSYNC, ISCSI, S.M.A.R.T., lokale Benutzeranmeldung, Software RAID (Level 0,1,5), Administration über eine Weboberfläche. FreeNAS benötigt weniger als 32MB Speicherplatz nach der Installation auf Compact Flash Karte, Festplatte oder USB Speicherstick


Oracle Database 11g Release 2 RAC One Node – is a single instance of Oracle RAC running

Sonntag, August 8th, 2010

oracle_logo.jpg   With Oracle RAC One Node you can standardize all Oracle Database deployments across the enterprise. Oracle RAC One Node is supported on all platforms where Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is certified. Many databases can be consolidated into a single cluster with minimal overhead while providing the high availability benefits of failover protection, online rolling patch application, as well as rolling upgrades for the operating system and Oracle Clusterware
